Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Garage Photo Studio

Until recently, my photo studio has been in our basement laundry room. While the space was adequate, I quickly outgrew it. Fortune smiles on the patient, however, and some space cleared up in our garage!

I build a twelve foot wide backdrop from some PVC pipe and white, 108" wide muslin cloth. The cloth is suspend from the wood ceiling by the PVC pipe, string, and screw-eyes. The sides of the backdrop are pinned to the walls with clamps to stretch out wrinkles.

All the materials for this came in just around $50, a real deal. Nate and I are planning a snowy indoor shoot this weekend, so we will put this set-up to the test!

1 comment:

  1. Nice! It looks more like a photo studio than a garage. =) It's amazing that it didn't cost that much to convert the place. How long did it take you to finish this makeover? Well, in any case, congratulations to all of you! Keep it up!

    Kerita Kantz
