Monday, September 7, 2009

Completed Rocket Launcher and PAX 2009

After many long nights and hard work, I completed my Team Fortress 2 rocket launcher. We also made props for the medic, engineer, sniper, scout, and spy. Our gang put in a lot of long ours to get it done for the Penny Arcade Expo and it was well worth the effort.
We were not the only TF2 cosplayers at PAX by a long shot, but we were among the best. All day we were asked for photos of our gang, it was quite a celebrity moment.
For some studio shots of the costumes, check out my flickr page.


  1. Your TF2 Rocket Launcher is amazing! I am trying to build one for Fanamie 2010. Are you willing to share how you made the various parts, particularly the back flange and curved/tapered sections of the tube. Thanks!

  2. Refer to his previous posts.
