Monday, April 20, 2009


I took my bike out the other day for a jaunt through Redmond.  I had my camera with me and I spotted a couple of geese grazing in a park as I passed.  Naturally I pulled over and nabbed a couple shots of my feathered friends.  This particular guy was not at all pleased at how close I was to him, he even hissed at me once.  So I snapped my shot and then left him alone to graze with his goose lady friend.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Emerald City Comic Con 2009

Wow! What an amazing weekend I had. My buddies and I spent Saturday April 4th at the Emerald City Comic Con. To top it off, it was my birthday! We all had so much fun and I got some decent photos to boot! I made a new set on my flicr with more of the comic con photos. Check them out here.

Some highlights of the con:
  • I got some signed swag from Scott Kurtz of PVPonline, Gabe and Tyco of Penny-Arcade, and Brad Guigar of Evil Inc.
  • Our buddy Beau got a signed drawing from the Batman artist Bruce Timm.
  • Nate got a signed drawing from Clerks, Kim Possible, and Danny Phantom artist Stephen Silver.
  • BEST OF ALL, I got a signed photo from Jewel Staite; Firefly's Kaylee Frye. To top it off I got her to talk to my twin brother on my cell phone and wish him a happy birtyday! So cool! I really appreciate celebrities who will go out of their way to please their fans.
After the con our possee headed up to Capital Hill and had a really fun party at Dave's apartment, it was such a blast!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Tailoring 475!

So this weekend is the Emerald City Comic-Con. I was debating what I wanted to dress up as and I fell back on my standard pirate costume. It was an obvious choice since I have invested so much in it during the past year.

I decided I needed a new vest, so I dusted off the sewing machine and made one from scratch! Back in October I bought a really cool pirate trenchcoat, so I designed the vest to go with it. Here are a couple photos of the vest and the vest/coat combo: